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Writer's picture: Minister Dr. Sharon WatsonMinister Dr. Sharon Watson

”Don't Forget to Remember...”

So, whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them,

Matthew 7:12a (ESV)

The MINISTRY MULTIPLICATION CAMPAIGN continues with the thought, no one person can accomplish what the entire Church was commissioned to do.

We are helpers one to another. GOD has a unique blueprint to enable all believers to fulfill their calling with the HELP of other members in the Body of Christ. Ministry Multiplication is a fundamental principle to grow ministries. Ministry growth does not take place by adding just one unit to another. The Body of Christ are living spiritual cells; therefore, we multiply. Each new living cell produced has the ability to reproduce. GOD’s plan for Ministry Multiplication is similar in the spiritual world too. Paul taught the same concept to Timothy when he was organizing his church ministry.

(II Timothy 2:2) Paul understood that if the church ministry was going to grow, an organized plan of Ministry Multiplication should be in place. Timothy listened and ”obeyed” Paul and the Gospel spread throughout the region. The bottom line is: Paul HELPED Timothy in the way He would have wanted someone to help him. What a beautiful example of the Golden Rule. O. M. family, let me encourage you. We can duplicate the same Ministry Multiplication strategy and watch the O. M. Outreach Borders instantly enlarge. Like Jabez prayed and asked GOD to enlarge his territory and GOD did. I have prayed and asked GOD to use you to help O. Ministries Inc. territory enlarge.

This is how...I NEED each of you to start sharing the weekly O.M. Inc. exhortation with at least twelve people, then direct them to the

  1. O Ministries Inc. Website

  2. O Ministries Inc Social Media-FB: @oministriesinc Instagram: @oministriesinc

  3. Subscribe and Follow on all our platforms

Family, this is not about just getting “FOLLOWERS.” This is about SPREADING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST! IF WE share. WE multiply. Move over F.B., I.G., Twitter, here comes O.M.’s multitude!


Dear Heavenly FATHER,

Thank you for the perfect plan to multiply the Gospel ministry. May it be for your glory and our good. Thank you, FATHER, for helping us obey your plan to be helpers one to another in JESUS name amen.

Food for thought:

Because no one knows whom they might need one day...Memorize Matthew 7:12 and let it be your Life Coach.

O.M. Nugget:



Expository Study:

  • 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.

  • Matthew 7:12.

Thank You~Eternal Blessings,

O.Ministries Inc. Strong At Work For GOD’s Glory And Our Good#2020

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