"Therefore, you Israelites, I will judge each of you according to your own ways, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall." Ezekiel 18:30 NIV

Repent…Acknowledge…Forgive…equals Freedom…
At the beginning of the 2nd quarter of 2024, I asked GOD for a Prophetic Word. Instantly, GOD said…" FORWAR-UPWARD." At the time, those words warmed my heart with delight. I released the message quickly, not knowing that a character test would follow. Have you ever had a situation that you tried to ignore, but your inner heart kept saying no? It compels you to handle it. The situation was very delicate, but I had to confront it as gently as possible. I had discerned that the situation was hindering my "FORWARD-UPWARD IN GOD." So, I chose to consult GOD for His guidance. I Prayed for directions and wisdom concerning the situation. In His perfect timing, GOD answered my Prayer.
I listened carefully and followed every one of GOD's instructions. First, I took accountability and REPENTED for my part in the situation. Second, I ACKNOWLEDGED that I could have handled things differently. Third, I asked all involved parties to FORGIVE me. After the meeting was over, I immediately felt FREEDOM to move Forward-Upward in the LORD. My stress level was instantly healed. "Obedience Unto GOD" is O. Ministries Inc.'s anchor to Ministry success. If you did not know, "OBEDIENCE" pleases GOD when You just do all things His way. Amen.
Repentance leads to healing, and restoration leads to release and soar.
Thank you for your guiding light and divine words that led your dear children to spiritual restoration. Hallelujah and Amen, in His Holy, matchless name.
O. M. Nugget:
Expository Study:
Ezekiel 18: 25-32
Food For Thought:
"Repentance means you change your mind so deeply that it changes you." -Bruce Wilkinson
O Ministries Inc. Strong At Work 2024
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