Beloved O.M. Family,
Today is HOLY SATURDAY...The last day JESUS rested. As I was thinking about how I wanted to commemorate the last worldwide observance day of Holy Week my mind drifted back to my late husband. He worked nights and his resting time started immediately after his shower and breakfast daily.
Every Saturday morning when the family was home together he would say...”Ok gang I am going to bed and I don’t want to hear NOTHING...” And, Believe it or not our home would be quiet and still as possible. So, it is with this Silent Holy Saturday. JESUS was resting because HIS earthly work was FINISHED.
Let us exercise today in respect, quietness and stillness our LORD and SAVIOR’s last symbolic day of peaceful resting before HE fulfilled the RESURRECTION promise.
May you peacefully and quietly enjoy reading: Isaiah 53:1-12 & John 19:38-42. O.M.Inc. spreading the Holy News this HOLY SATURDAY 2020✝️