Beloved O. M. Family,
Warning...The enemy comes only to kill, steal, and destroy.” John 10:10a.
Since creation, the enemy has been out to create division in the body of CHRIST. The war on social distancing started in heaven. (Revelation 12:7-9.)
BUT GOD...Then, Adam and Eve were the first families on earth to experience social distance from GOD Unaware. (Genesis 3:1-7)
A proper place of caution must be given to any contagious plague. However, IF we would just read the most excellent book ever written on how to navigate through a crisis, a pandemic victoriously, and an epidemic, social distancing would not disrupt our FAITH IN GOD. I am not advocating being foolish and not practice using wisdom and understanding. However, for us as CHRISTIANS, I suggest strongly that we use GODLY wisdom and knowledge that’s not laced with FEAR. GOD has not called us to lower our FAITH in HIM during this deadly and extremely sickly pandemic. This is a perfect time for the true BELIEVING CHRISTIANS to elevate their Faith. Let reason together; the WORLD is not just watching us; they are monitoring, recording, and posting our pandemic behavior. And may the truth be told, some of our Christian records are a hypocritical shame before GOD...Memorial Day observance for our country is tomorrow.
Many people will celebrate in their way as well as in a corporate way. I suggest you use your social distancing wisdom in the name of JESUS during fellowship with those you love dearly. Be careful and mindful that we cannot allow the enemy to pull apart and keep apart what GOD has covered in the Blood Of JESUS for those who faithfully trust in HIM. REMEMBER...Whatever you continuously entertain becomes your FAITH or FEAR level. Only God can save us. Elisha, the prophet, demonstrated social distancing not out of FEAR of Naaman, the strong military commander who suffered from Leprosy. But he did it to show the power of God, which knows no bounds when we faithfully trust and obey Him.
Dear Heavenly FATHER,
We need you to show us how to trust you in every way of our lives every day.
May we submit wholly unto to you so that that total VICTORY will be ours In JESUS name for your Glory and our good. Amen.
O.M. Nugget:
Expository Reading:
2 Kings 5:1-19.
O.Ministries Inc. Strong At Work Helping Spread The Good News In 2020.
Thank you so much for your ministry.