“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

Why do You talk to GOD? Why do You want GOD to talk to you? Do You listen when GOD talks to You? These are questions that we toil with almost daily. I believe there is one answer to all three of those questions, and that is to hear “GOD’s VIEW.” We seek to hear what GOD is calling for us to do. It is like second nature to human beings.
At the top of this New Year, I heard GOD say, “ANCHOR DOWN IN ME.” It thrilled me to hear those words, but I needed to add clarity to His command. Through my meditation, I discovered that anchoring down in GOD means claiming at least one scripture to…memorize…meditate on…and recite daily. This practice will help you draw nearer to GOD.
Maybe you need a New Focus and a New Restart in marriage, parenting, work, and your relationship with friends and GOD. Isaiah was a Prophetic Prophet with outstanding points. GOD inspired him to point out some successful anchors Israel needed for a New Refocus and New Restart in their relationship with Him. Israel was at a turning point, and GOD gave them three steps to take in order to return to him. Isaiah said…“Prepare the highway for my people to return! Smooth out the road; pull out the boulders; raise a flag for all the nations to see.” -Isaiah 62:10 NLT.
GOD wants His Beloved children to be close to Him first. Why? Because in these last and evil days, we live in GOD, and we know we need more than short motivational reels to get us anchored in Him. Job knew that it took more than listening to His friends. He knew he needed an anchor in GOD too. This is why he wrote…”Then you would trust [with confidence] because there is hope; You would look around you and rest securely.
You would lie down with no one to frighten you, And many would entreat and seek your favor.” Job 11:18-19. Amplified. Just as Job discerned that he and his friends needed an anchor in GOD and His Word first. So do we. It is the same anchor revelation that GOD calls for all of Us to perceive for this New Year.
I have five ways to assist you in anchoring down in GOD.
Get up early to Pray.
Schedule quality time alone with GOD.
Meditate and Worship GOD.
Purchase a journal to record what GOD reveals or speaks to You alone.
Use a scripture to name your Spiritual Anchor.
If you seek GOD first, it will draw You nearer to Him. James 4:8a says, "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”
Dear Heavenly FATHER,
Thank you for telling us to “ANCHOR DOWN IN YOU.” May we obey you and receive the reward of abundant peace and trust in you. -In Your Matchless Name, Jesus, Amen.
O. M. Nugget
Expository Study:
Matthew 6: 25-34
Food For Thought:
“Cast your cares on God; that anchor holds." ~Frank Moore Colby