It's not good to wait too long because while you are waiting, TIME is moving on.

Palm Sunday and Holy Week are here again. It was five weeks ago that Lent arrived. Now, It's TIME to celebrate Easter Resurrection. Today is Glorious Holy Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week. This day back in JESUS's da, Hee came riding into Jerusalem on a beautiful, strong, never ridden-on donkey,y letting all of the people in Jerusalem know that He was the GREAT I AM's, Son.
JESUS shocked the spectators who were there. They were expecting Clydesdale Horses to pull a gold chariot with fine linen curtains, velvet-covered seats, and a king with a gold crown. JESUS was the king of the Jews and all the people there. But, he did not draw unprofitable attention to himself. JESUS entrance was a Prophesied entrance fit for a divine humble King. His triumphant entry was divine Prophecy. (Zechariah 9:9.)Can you imagine how powerful this glorious peaceful, and humble day was? Only JESUS could make such a bold and powerful statement then and now. JESUS had a heavenly King's heart for the common people.
Holy Palm Sunday was an event that happened over 2000 years ago. There were mixed mindsets about JESUS then an now. Some accepted JESUS being the promised Savior of the world, and some did not. Some thought He was just a good man and not the promised messiah. Was it the way He dressed, where He lived, who He hung with, how He taught? What was the problem of doubt and disbelief? I don't know the answer, but I do know JESUS was the best man, the only man who was eligible to be the sacrificial human living lamb for the world. That's enough for us to celebrate JESUS' last week alive by reading His Prolific story for the next eight days together.
The Expository Reading has the Holy Week Bible Reading Guide link. Just click the link and begin your pre-Easter Resurrection Holy Week preparation. Learn about the real meaning of Easter Resurrection by reading the whole story of this Holy Week. Remember, it's no use in celebrating anything if you do not know why you are celebrating.
Dear Heavenly FATHER,
Thank you for JESUS being our purpose to commemorate the sacred Easter Resurrection celebration. May our hearts embrace new learning and remembrance of learning -Amen, in JESUS' Matchless name.
O. M. Nugget:
Expository Reading:
Food For Thought:
"Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime." – Martin Luther King Jr.