“So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid, What can mere mortals do to me?” -Hebrews 13:6 NIV

Beloved O.M.Family,
Social Distancing can injure your IMPACT...Impact can make your legacy unforgettable. In a low-key big way, LOVE IS IMPACT! The LOVE of GOD can change the world. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and to overlook the need to help others. Too much social distancing causes our eyesight to be shortened. But, LOVE helps us open our eyes and focus our minds on having empathy for others in spite of unusual circumstances. When you consider those who are destitute (less fortunate) you can see opportunities to make an impact in someone else’s life. Smiling is impactful.
As you encounter others, put on a smile on your face and say hello behind your protective facial mask. A genuine smile and hello don’t cost you a dime. You never know the struggles that another person is going through. Something as small as a smile and a happy hello can change someone’s outlook. When you spread some LOVE through smiling you will find that smiling is contagious if you just do it.
Being intentional by showing acts of kindness is LOVE in action. Kindness can have a ripple effect too. For example, paying it forward for a person’s coffee or order in line behind you...Take a few minutes to put your shopping carts back in the cart corral...Leave an encouraging, anonymous note on a strangers car window....Choose a stranger at a restaurant and pick up their bill...
Leave flowers or a note of encouragement on your neighbor's doorstep...
These are all confidential random acts of kindness that pleases the heart and ways of GOD.
O Ministries Prayer
Dear Heavenly FATHER,
Thank you for equipping us with divine impact to use in the midst of social distancing. May we use our divine impact to seal the gaps of love and kindness for one another. -In JESUS name amen.
Food for thought:
“Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” Revelation 2:10d
Expository Readings
I Corinthians 13:1-13