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“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”

Luke 2:11.

Beloved O Ministries Inc. Family,

CHRIST-mas is a time of year when we celebrate the birth of our LORD and Savior, JESUS CHRIST. The thematic themes of Advent help prepare our minds to adore and worship the LORD differently. It painted the picture of the CHRIST-mas message to be viewed with new eyes, to see that GOD is sovereign and in control. Every single detail about JESUS’ birth was by GOD’s prophetic design.

Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love had a purpose in GOD’S ultimate plan for salvation. The CHRSIT-mas message is a timeless repetitive message, but it remains relevant in teaching each year. CHRIST-mas is a time and season to pause and celebrate the birth of JESUS, the prophesied newborn king, and what it means for us. Like, JESUS is the good gift of all things that keeps on giving year-round.



There are five reasons CHRIST-mas can be in season every day if…we accept JESUS as the LORD and savior to the world…be a witness by being a CHRIST-like example…love your neighbor the way we love ourselves…be obedient to GOD’S Holy word, and let JESUS’ Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love be the center of your life.


Dear Heavenly FATHER,

Thank you, GOD, for sending Your Son to be born of a virgin, to live a perfect life, and to die on the cross for the sins of the world. May this be what CHRIST-mas will forever be about. -Amen, in JESUS' name.

O. M. Nugget:


Expository Reading:

  • Luke 2:1-52

Food For Thought:

"However, we celebrate CHRIST-mas, and JESUS is not in it; it's null and void."

-Minister Dr. Sharon Watson

O Ministries Inc. Strong At Work 2022

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