“This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Isaiah 45:1-3. NIV

Time is moving very quickly. It seems like GOD has the world in a PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUAL TIME ZONE. This means there is an urgency to be prepared for the NEXT LEVEL OF SUPERNATURAL ANOINTING. Since natural time has sped up, so must the next level of supernatural anointing on your life. GOD has prepared an individual new anointing for your next level. Just as He did for Cyrus, the one He called anointed before he was born. Cyrus was a son of prophecy, and so are we.
There is no time available to make New Year’s resolutions and in three months or less, your resolution is abandoned. This doesn’t happen in GOD’s Prophetic World. Our all-knowing, pre-determining GOD said in advance that “He will pour out His Holy Spirit upon ALL His people.” That is an eternal prophecy from the mouth of Holy GOD. Listen, If you can put personal ownership to that prophecy, GOD will allow it to manifest in you.
Just like Cyrus was encouraged with a prophecy written hundreds of years before he was born so are we to do too. Joel the Prophet, GOD’s anointed mouthpiece said the Spirit Of Holy GOD would be poured out on ALL of GOD’s willing vessels. That’s you if you are a true member of GOD’s anointed tribes. And I believe you are so grab hold of GOD’s Prophetic Promise and let’s walk into our NEXT LEVEL SUPERNATURAL ANOINTING.
Only “Holy GOD’s Anointing” will elevate you to the Next Level.
Thank You for settling our minds to think about going to the next anointed level in you. May Your Holy Spirit help us resolve to settle down in Prophet Joel's Prophetic Prophecy and expect a personal outpouring of Your Holy Spirit on us. In JESUS Holy name. Amen.
O M Nugget:
Expository study:
Joel 2:1-32 (continue to meditate on the word of God)
Food For Thought:
“The Lord is getting ready to move you from where you are to the next level. He has observed your faith and watched you grow.” -JoLynne Whittaker Ministries