"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21
There is a popular new spontaneous worship song by Bethel entitled "Here Again." It is an amazing song. When I leaped out of bed Saturday morning, that was exactly what I was feeling." Here Again" in the face of GOD seeking more of Him. Drawing near to GOD causes your mental senses to be SENSITIVE to hearing GOD's voice. I have only heard GOD's audible voice twice in my life. Both times were when I was being called into the ministry. For years, I wondered why it was only those two times.
Until now, I realized you must be in SENSITIVITY mode to hear GOD's audible voice. And, as I recall, when I heard my name being called by GOD, I didn't think I was in a spiritual place to hear GOD. I learned in that season sometimes your spiritual sensitivity needs attentive nurturing. Sometimes, our spiritual sensitivity is mistaken with the old saying..." Something told me to do this or that." Well, that something is GOD's voice.
My point is I hear GOD saying to the Body of CHRIST," YIELD TO BEING SENSITIVE TO HIS VOICE." There are a lot of voices out there. A lot of them sound spiritual, but they are not. Some talk spiritual, but they are not. Some wear spiritual paraphernalia, but they are not what they advertise. Some have Christian spiritual platforms, but they are not GODLY spiritual. Some even hold up Bibles in front of GOD's holy church, but they are not GODLY SPIRITUAL.
Being sensitive to hearing GOD's voice means you must be spiritually connected to GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT. Family, we no longer want to assume we hear from GOD but need to be positive that we are hearing HIS VOICE, not yours or someone else. There are no specific formulas that I am aware of that will ensure you are sensitive in hearing GOD's voice. However, drawing nearer to GOD through your faith in prayer, fasting for spiritual illuminations, and depending on the Holy Spirit's help will produce and increase your spiritual sensitivity to hearing GOD's voice. Another main reason we need SENSITIVITY to hear GOD's voice is For HIS Glory and our good. It is the spiritual gem required to help yourself and minister to others.
Please help us and show your dear children how to draw nearer to you. Please help us understand that spiritual sensitivity is the key to hearing your divine, powerful voice. -In JESUS'same, Amen.
O M Nugget:
" A word from Jesus changed everything." Henry T. Blackaby
Expository study:
Isaiah 30:21
John 10:27
Psalm 32:8-9 And
John 14:23