The sacred season of ADVENT IS HERE. After I posted the weekly O.M. Inc. post yesterday. YOU ALL have been on my mind. WHY? I felt in my spirit that I SHARED enough to get you started. But, I didn’t GIVE you anything to keep you going for the next 20 plus days of ADVENT.
I researched a lot of Advent daily devotionals. And, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, the link attached is the best beginners Advent devotional for 2020. Today is the second day of Advent, November 30, 2020.
Remember...We are beginners.
Therefore, our introduction should be ADVENT 101.
"May GOD anoint and Bless our new learning for His Glory and our good."
THE INVITATION: November 29 - December 24, 2020
I am inviting you to join in with O.M. Inc. to celebrate the season of ADVENT 2020. Attached is a beginner's link to get you started.
Devotional Tenets: Click to Review
Let the Journey Begin!
Food For Thought:
“Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge.”
Proverbs 18:15(NLT)