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"Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

-Proverbs 31:30

Women's History Month

When a significant event occurs in a woman's community, they will go out of bounds to celebrate. Women have always loved to celebrate. They write songs to celebrate, play specific instruments to celebrate, and make banners to display their joy. Whether the event is a sad or joyous occasion, women will organize a joyful celebration. The Old Testament shares the history of how women celebrated military victories. Their celebrations were so powerful they could deflect honor from the reigning king.

The power of WOMEN then is still powerful now. A Godly woman in power can change the course of everything because women are anointed by GOD to be natural nurturers. Most Godly women nurture their children, their husbands, their jobs, and their cause. "WOMEN ARE POWERFUL. They are more powerful than they give themselves credit for.

Bible women were powerful too. They courageously exercised their ability to be a transformer in their community. Women like Miriam in Exodus 15 celebrated Israel's freedom from Egypt by "leading" the women with singing and dancing with timbrels. Women like Deborah wrote a Grammy award-winning song after she "led" the winning attack against the Canaanites in Judges chapter 5.

Women have always made Bible HISTORY by celebrating themselves and other people. A young woman, a Spiritual Daughter with other women, met her father Jephthah after he defeated the Ammonites in Judges chapter 11, singing, dancing, and beating their tambourine. May we WOMEN of 2023 continue to write our songs about the power of GOD and do our Holy Ghost dance when GOD delivers us.



Bible WOMEN publicly led their communities, expressing their joy and sorrow. While at the same time, they nurtured solidarity, empathy, and healing.



All the Praise, Honor, and Glory go to you for being the creative masterpiece of all women's success. -In JESUS's Name, Amen.

O. M. Nugget:


Expository Study:

  • Genesis 2:4-24

Food For Thought:

"A woman of God neither relies on trends nor her intelligence to change the world, she follows God's plan." ― Gift Gugu Mona, Woman of Virtue

O Ministries Inc. Strong At Work 2023

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